#WordOverBody Fitness Ministry
Fitness Ministry with Life Coach Warrior Thunder - Season Pass
Service Description
#WordOverBody Challenge (#WOB challenge) Designed seasonal to challenge executives technology skills, fitness levels, mental awareness, goal setting, and receive virtual life coaching with a team of kingdom warriors. Each challenger will receive private online profiles accessed by desktop or app through our website. From here a challenger will receive access to display products or services within our Brand's community to increase revenue. Ultimately transforming lifestyles through God's words and being motivated to stay moving physically applying Gods words daily. Payment includes: 1 hour entry one on one virtual consultation, access to private online group 1 seasonal pass and app, optional weekly life coaching one on one consultations with rewards both inside and out! Founded August 2016 Reference Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Romans 12:1 NASB To register, contact us.
Cancellation Policy
Thank you for booking an entire season up front. This booking works best if started in week one of the selected season. Within the first 30 days of your course you are required to participate within TOL Solutions Kingdom Community or you will be requested to exit with half of your payment returned. To cancel or reschedule please contact us 48 hours ahead of time..
Contact Details
63 Putter Dr, Sumter, SC 29150, USA